Navigate to your app store or google store depending on which device you have.
Step 2: Press TRY IT NOW
Follow the screen prompts to choose a few steps for yourself and someone you know. (This will take a few minutes.) If you can’t think of someone, consider adding a neighbor, colleague or family member.
Step 3: Press on COMMUNITIES
After you add steps, Press on the COMMUNITIES tab in the bottom right corner of the app. It will take you to this communities view.
Press on CREATE COMMUNITY on the upper right corner of the communities view.
You will be prompted to create an account to use this feature.
Once you have created an account or signed in, continue in naming your community and adding a photo.
Next Steps
Create a Challenge
Press Challenges at the top and hit the blue CREATE CHALLENGE button located on the bottom.
Grow your Community
Press the three vertical dots in the upper right corner. Copy your community code and share with your group!