How to shine your light with MissionHub

Everyone is on a spiritual journey. As a Christian, God invites you to shine the light of Christ into the lives of the people you are journeying through life with.”


MissionHub suggests four ways to draw someone closer to God.

Choose from four step types: pray, care, share and relate. You can also create your own steps and share them with your Community.


Prayer Steps of Faith

Ways to invite God into your relationship with this person.


Care Steps of Faith

Ideas to help you demonstrate that you care about this person.


Relate Steps of Faith

Ideas to help you deepen this relationship and build trust.


Share Steps of Faith

How you can help someone talk about what they believe and know the truth about God.

Never miss an important moment

MissionHub reminds you about who you want to take steps of faith with, and how you are choosing to do it.

MissionHub Communities Take
Their Steps of Faith Together


Prayer Requests

Communities own the mission together. That starts with praying for the people in your lives and the steps you’re taking with them.


Community Needs

Sometimes you need practical support as you take your steps. Let your Community know how they can help.


Spiritual Questions

How do you explain what you believe to a friend? How do you choose your next step of faith? Your Community will help you find the answers you need.


God Stories

Help each other see what God is doing so you can celebrate together.



As a community owner or admin you can leave announcements so your members stay up to date.

Challenges (1)

Community Challenges

Join each other in a challenge created for your community.

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