Part 3: Let’s try it out

BY: Matthew Watts


Step 1: Download the mobile app, if you don’t already have it. You can find the app on Android or iOS.

Step 2: If you have an account, sign in (then go to Step 3b); otherwise, choose the Get Started option and go to Step 3.

Step 3: Walk through the onboarding process. First, you’ll put yourself on a stage and accept a few steps for personal growth. Next, you’ll be asked to add a person you want to take steps with. Don’t treat this as a fake person, select one of your neighbors from your KV Challenge list above.

Step 3b: For those with accounts, go to the people tab and tap the Add Person icon on top right. Don’t treat this as a fake person, select one of your neighbors from your KV Challenge list above.

Step 4: Set a reminder for the step(s) you just accepted. Then ask God to give you an opportunity to take that step of faith in the next week. Simple, right? Feel free to keep adding people.

See and celebrate the impact of God at work

Now that you’ve tried it for yourself, imagine your whole movement regularly doing this.

What would you expect God to do if 100 steps of faith were taken by your movement over a week or a month?

MissionHub gives your movement a chance to see all of this happening in real time. Being able to celebrate and share what God is doing means no more waiting for that next weekly meeting sharing time.

Each movement gets a Celebrate feed where you can see the steps and challenges being taken, and you also get an Impact view which gives everyone in your movement a simple summary of the steps taken and interactions recorded.

Every person matters, every step counts.

We’re sure you agree, but we don’t always communicate that with the measurements we ask people to report.

There are some super important things we all want to see. Things like:

  • Spiritual Conversations
  • Gospel Conversations
  • Decisions
  • Holy Spirit Conversations
  • Discipleship Conversations
  • Involved Students
  • Engaged Students

We all want to see those happening often, but shouldn’t we also celebrate and reinforce all the faithful things which happen on the way to a decision to follow or be filled?

If you serve in a part of the country which is full of the hard soil Jesus talked about, some of those bullet points might not happen in a year and it can get discouraging. But as Bill Bright said, “successful witnessing is taking the initiative (a step!) in the power of the Holy Spirit, and leaving the results to God”.

MissionHub wants to help you celebrate each step initiated, because every person it’s taken with matters.

Modeling for a lifetime

One of your goals as a spiritual leader is to raise up lifetime followers of Jesus, not just temporary campus workers. That’s why MissionHub wants people to be thinking more broadly than just the contacts they’ve been assigned for follow up.

It is a classic missionary problem. Methods used by the missionary outsiders to reach, are rarely transferable to the insiders.  So insiders are modeled and taught outsider methods.

After all, how often have you heard of a graduated student leader setting up a survey table in their new workplace? It’s great for training, but we need to present a more holistic view of ministry.


Part 4: Two ways to use MissionHub this fall

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MORE ABOUT Matthew Watts

Matt finds it hard to talk with others, one hurdle he’s hoping MissionHub gets him over. He somehow managed to find enough courage to talk to Kate, and now they’ve been married 20 years. They have four kids between the ages of a drivers permit and crawling.